Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Check. Check. Is this thing on?

So, you want to start a blog. Just follow these three easy steps and the blogging world will be at your fingertips. Throngs of beautiful people will flock to your blog, dying to hear your latest tidbit. All the social networking sites will be agog with talk of your clever chitchat and crafty crafts. They will hang on your every word.

Or it will just be you . . . and the crickets.

I have a lot to say. Whether anyone finds it important, enlightening, useful or humorous is yet to be seen. Regardless, I need to get it out. I need to say it, whether it be heard or not. I am a 3? year old single mom of one genius child. I am a nurse. I am a PTO officer. I have a nose ring. And 7 tattoos. I am highly intelligent, infinitely opinionated and eager to share.

 Somewhere out there is another Tattooed Momma. Someone who is not interested in a casserole recipe. A chick who loves her kids, but doesn't love every single stinking thing about being a mom. Someone who couldn't give a shit about elementary school politics, but wants to be involved. She doesn't wear slacks and pumps. She wears jeans and vintage t's or retro rockabilly gear. She cusses like a sailor and knows that it doesn't make her a bad person OR a bad mom. She teaches her kids right from wrong without judgement. She makes mistakes and learns from them. She is not a soccer mom. Unless her kids want her to be. That mom, that pink-haired, tattooed, tank-top wearing, metal-listening mom . . . she might want to hear this.  

I want her to hear this cause she might have some answers for me. How do you balance kids and work? How do you handle the judgemental moms at the school carnival? If you are single and not looking for marriage, how do you explain that to the kiddos? Hell, how do you find a Tattooed Boyo who gets that being a mom comes first.

So, if you read this, great. Let me know what you think. If its just me and the crickets, so be it. In seeking to understand, I just may answer my own questions. No blog schedule. Topics may include the following: Tattoos, Genius Kids and what to do with them, ADD, dating, work, social life . . .  and more!

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